Tobacco cutters
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2€ Commemorative coins
2€ Commemorative coin rolls
2€ Commemorative Proof
Mint of Finland mark rolls
Finland euro coins
Mint of Finland coin Rolls
Mint of Finland coin Vacums
5€ Commemorative
10€ Commemorative coins
20€ Commemorative coins
10 Mark Commemorative coins
25 Mark Commemorative coins
50 Mark Commemorative coins
2€ CC Liettua 2019 Sutartines
Main Page > 2€ Commemorative coins
2 Euro Commemorative coins is allways from original rolls.
2€ CC Lithuanian 2019 Sutartines
Mintage 0,5 milj.
The national side of the coin features stylised figures of people and birds symbolic of the Lithuanian folk dance and song, typical of paper cuttings, a Lithuanian folk art genre. The coin’s national side was designed by Eglė Ratkutė.
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