2€ CC Portugal 2014 40th Anniversary of the 25th April Revolution
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2 Euro Commemorative coins is allways from original rolls.
Feature: 40th Anniversary of the 25th April Revolution
Description: The two curves represent the general shape of a carnation, the flower symbolizing the movement, which was also the origin of the revolution’s name. The name of the issuing country ‘PORTUGAL’ and the Coat of Arms are inscribed on the top of the flower. The center of the image shows the date of the event ‘25 DE ABRIL’ (25th April) and at the bottom is written the number of years past since the revolution ‘40 ANOS’ (40 years) and the year of issuance ‘2014’. The shape of the letters and numbers is inspired on those used in posters and other political information supports 40 years ago, as a symbol of the euphoric period lived right after the event. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 500,000 coins