2€ CC Vatican Gendarmeria 2016

Main Page > 2€ Commemorative coins > 2€ CC 2016

2€ Juhlaraha Vatikaani Gendarmeria 2016
2€ Juhlaraha Vatikaani Gendarmeria 2016.
Product code
In stock
Delivery time from
1-4 days
Delivery costs from
32,40 €

2€ Juhlaraha Vatikaani Gendarmeria 2016
Nominal value: 2 Euro
Version: B.U.
Diameter: 25,75 mm
Legal Weight: 8,50 g
Date: July 2016
2 Euro Commemorative Vatican 2016 Gendarmeria 2016 is original packed by folder


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Tmi M Niskanen
Kuusikkotie 1 B
FI-86900, Pyhäkumpu
tel. +358 45 630 7292
Business ID: FI1493272-2