2€ CC Greece 2011 Special Olympics

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2€ Juhlaraha Kreikka 2011 Special Olympics
2€ Juhlaraha Kreikka 2011 Special Olympics.
Product code
In stock
Delivery time from
1-4 days
Delivery costs from
4,36 €

2 Euro Commemorative coins is allways from original rolls.

Feature: The Special Olympics World Summer Games — Athens 2011

Description: The inner part of the coin shows the emblem of the Games, a radiant sun, the source of life that underlines the excellence and power of the athletes who take part in the Games, with excellence represented by the olive branch and power by the spiral starting from the centre of the sun. Inscribed around the outer right-hand edge of the inner part are the caption “XIII SPECIAL OLYMPICS W.S.G. ATHENS 2011” and the name of the issuing country “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ”, separated from one another by the mintmark. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.

Issuing volume: 1 million coins


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