2€ CC Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman

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2€ Juhlaraha Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman
2€ Juhlaraha Slovenia 2011 Franc Rozman.
Product code
In stock
Delivery time from
1-4 days
Delivery costs from
4,36 €

2 Euro Commemorative coins is allways from original rolls.

Feature: 100th anniversary of the birth of Franc Rozman-Stane

Description: The inner part of the coin bears a stylised image of Franc Rozman-Stane, general in the High Command of the Slovene partisan army and a national hero of Slovenia. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.

Issuing volume: 1 million coins


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Tmi M Niskanen
Kuusikkotie 1 B
FI-86900, Pyhäkumpu
tel. +358 45 630 7292
Business ID: FI1493272-2